Friday, July 1, 2022

The Joy of Running at Sunrise

There's nothing quite like a sunrise run.

I was never a morning person until I became a runner. I sill would much prefer to stay up late and sleep in most mornings, but heat and humidity is my kryptonite when it comes to running, so in the summer the early runs are a necessity.

But they're also a joy.

I've discovered that mornings are the best times for me as a runner. Maybe some people do better later in the day, but I'm certainly not one of them. The longer I wait, the more challenging the run.

I love to put on a playlist of upbeat worship music and head out at first light and watch the sun rise over the horizon. Especially when the air is crisp and cool (it was in the mid-50s today).  It's mornings like this that remind me why I love it so much. 

Plus it's a great way to start your day.

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