Friday, July 29, 2022

Rob's Recommendations: For All Mankind

If you're looking for a great series to watch, I would highly recommend For All Mankind. Now in it's third season (and already renewed for a fourth) this series streams on Apple TV+ and was created by Ronald D. Moore, who also created the updated Battlestar Galactica and was a writer on Star Trek: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager. 

For All Mankind is an alternate history drama which asks, what might have changed if the Soviet Union had been the first to land a man on the moon. History begins to unfold differently with some really interesting results.

Each season takes place in different decades. The first season in the 60s, second season in the 70s and 80s, the third season in the 90s. It is a character drama with some hard science fiction elements, but is one people can enjoy without being science fiction fans.There is some action, but it's slower-paced and primarily about the wonderful characters. And it's beautifully crafted. It's almost more like a series of hour-long movies given the scope and cinematography. It's obviously a labor of love from the creators of the show.

I can't say enough good things about this series, but I will warn that it has some adult themes and elements, so is probably most appropriate for adults and maybe older teens who have an interest in recent history (recent being since the 60s). 

My Grade: A

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