Sunday, July 17, 2022

Rob's Recommendations: Star Trek Lower Decks

One of my special purchases on Amazon Prime Day last week was the BluRay version of Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 1 (for only $12.99 - which is about half of the regular price for this 2 disc set). I've seen these episodes on Paramount+ and am excited about adding them to my collection.

I was skeptical when Star Trek first announced an animated series that would be humorous. Yes, some of the best Trek episodes incorporated humor, but comedy is a funny thing (no pun intended) and very subjective. I was worried that the series might mock or make fun of Star Trek.

I am happy to say that my fears were completely unfounded. Instead, this has become one of my favorite series as each episode is a love letter to Star Trek. It's set in the time of The Next Generation and each episode features tons of references to TNG, Deep Space 9, Voyager and the Original Series. Even Enterprise gets the occasional shoutout. 

Lower Decks follows the various missions and adventures of the "lower deckers" (low-ranking officers with menial jobs) on the USS Cerritos, one of Starfleet's least important starships. It's hard to describe unless you've seen it, but if you are a Trek fan at all, you'll be delighted by these half-hour episodes. They not only have a lot of humor, they have a lot of heart. 

Season 2 BluRays are on my Christmas list and I'm looking forward to season 3 premiering August 25 and Season 4 next year.

My Grade: A+

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