Sunday, July 10, 2022

Rob's Recommendations: BitWarden

I hate passwords.

Actually, I hate having to memorize them and then having to type them in every time you visit a web site or sign in to an app or something. Annoying.

That's why I love password managers... actually just this one: a free password manager called BitWarden.

BitWarden is a browser extension for your computer and an app for you phone that allows you to store password information on a any site requiring a password and then will fill in those pesky blanks for you. It will generate secure passwords for you or store ones you come up with yourself. And it will remember those passwords across devices, so if you create a password on your desktop, it will remember it on your phone. Plus it will remember your credit card info if you want it to so that you don't have to keep entering all those numbers each time.

I won't bother explaining it all here - you can quickly Google around and find out details. But trust me, if you don't use a password manager now, you are missing out on some great functionality.

Plus, did I mention, it's FREE!?

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