Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Another Sad Goodbye

The whole world is mourning another huge loss this week - the Choco Taco is being discontinued. (Okay, maybe not the whole world, but the civilized world, for sure.)

I remember enjoying these during my summers as a camp counselor at Lake Lundgren Bible Camp. They were perfect for carrying around because they never seemed to get drippy the way other ice cream treats did. Of course, they never lasted long enough in my hands for that to be a concern.

Unfortunately, they are really difficult to find around here, so I haven't had one in years. If they could have just gotten Walmart to carry them, the story may have turned out differently.

One senator suggested using the Defense Production Act to mandate the continued manufacture of Choco Tacos. Turns out he was kidding. Bummer.

Come on, Klondike. Rethink this decision! petition, anyone?

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