Friday, September 9, 2022

Rob's Review: Eggo Frosted Maple Flavor Pop-Tarts

Okay, I was extremely skeptical about this when I first saw them in the store. Maybe it's the idea of something with "egg" in the name in my Pop-tart that was unappealing, or the yellow color on the box, but I was initially a little repulsed by the idea at first. After thinking about "frosted maple flavor" and knowing how much I like maple syrup, I thought I'd give them a shot.

I sometimes heat up my Pop-Tarts in the microwave, but thought I'd try these straight out of the box. I was pleasantly surprised by how great these are. Typically I default to the brown sugar cinnamon flavor Pop-tarts which are still unsurpassed, but these are a strong contender for second place, if not a tie for first! I don't know what makes it "Eggo" other than the branding, but the flavor is great. It's got a nice maple flavor without being overpowering.

One of the things I enjoy about Pop-tarts is that they are relatively weather-proof. In other words, I can take some in my backpack to a cross country meet and not worry about them melting. If they get hot, great! If they freeze, no problem. They are nice and portable, if a little fragile for riding around in a backpack. Maybe I can find a Tupperware sandwich carrier or something to keep them in.

If you're a Pop-Tarts kind of person, you should definitely check these out. They're a winner.

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