Sunday, September 18, 2022

I'm Not the Same Person I Used to Be

You've heard it said before - and you've probably said it yourself, "I'm not the same person I used to be."

And that's true. We are constantly shaped by our experiences, which (hopefully) bring some maturity and wisdom to the mix. 

So how long does it take before you're a different person? 5 years? 10? 30?

In some sense, you aren't even the same person you were yesterday. And you are certainly a different person than you were when you were 14 years old. Or 21. Or 30.

In another sense, there's a part of you that never changes. And that's good. Usually.

The trick is to change the parts of you that aren't where they need to be, while keeping the essential part of you the same.

Maybe the better question is: Who do you want to be tomorrow? And then, what do you need to begin to do today to become that person?

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