Friday, September 23, 2022

It's Election Season. Oh, goodie.

It's political season. You can tell because there are ads is all over TV telling you how horrible and bad the other candidate is. TV political ads have almost become a parody of themselves. Does anyone really vote for or against someone as a result of a TV ad? It's hard to believe that they really make a difference. Or maybe they don't, but it's what candidates have always done (since the invention of TV) so that's what they keep on doing.

It's also evident that an election is coming up because of the yard signs that are in many yards. The idea, apparently, is either that just seeing the name of the candidate over and over again will increase name recognition and cause you to vote for them, or that you know the person who has the yard, trust their judgment, and will want to vote for the same person that they are endorsing.

But what if you don't like the person who had the sign in their yard? That person has a bad reputation in the community maybe. Then you see the sign for that candidate and you have a negative association with that person and are less likely to vote for them.

The question for us is: are you the kind of person that a candidate would want to have endorsing you?

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