Monday, June 27, 2022

You'll Never "Catch Up"

At some point in your life you have to come to grips with the fact that you'll never have enough time.

You'll never have enough time to...

  • catch up on all the books you want to read (I have an ever-increasing pile).
  • see all the movies you want (all the "classics" you've been meaning to get to, as well as all that Netflix and the like are churning out).
  • spend time with all the people you want.
  • travel to all the placed you'd like to visit.
  • engage in all the activities you want to do.

So at some point you have to prioritize. How you choose what to prioritize is up to you. But if you don't choose, you'll just end up frustrated and endlessly chasing the horizon. Or worse, you'll be paralyzed by the overwhelming choices and end up doing nothing.

So go do something. Pick a book, movie, person, place or activity. Start now.

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