Saturday, June 11, 2022

Rainy Days and Saturdays

It's a rainy Saturday today for us in Pine City, which is a shame, really. If it's going to rain, it's usually better for most folks if it rains in the middle of the week (or, you know, at night!) Saturdays are one of the few days many/most people don't have to work. Plus there are all kinds of picnics, outdoor activities, and outdoor weddings that take place on Saturdays, especially in Minnesota where we only have a couple of dozen really nice Saturdays to be outside.

So what do you do when you're stuck inside on a Saturday? I decided today was going to be a recovery day from running as I've done about a dozen in a row. So I had some extra energy this morning to do some some vacuuming and a little straightening up, but after a certain point my desire to be productive was overcome by my desire not to be. I've got a grad party to go to at 1:00, then it's chill time. Maybe a movie? Or catch up on a TV show I've been meaning to watch.

What about you? What's your default activity on a rainy afternoon when you don't have anything pressing to do? Let me know in the comments.

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