Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Bad Money Choices

I've come across a few people this week making bad choices with money. 

After filling up my car with gas yesterday, I went inside to pay and the person in front of me was buying a stack of lottery tickets - 500 to be exact - at $1 each. I hope they were gifts or something like that, but if not... He had just said to me, "I've been working every day for the past eight days." I'm thinking, "If you didn't buy so many lottery tickets, you could maybe take a day off. (Or, you know, fill up your vehicle with gas!)"

The other one that struck me was a news story about a woman who was complaining that Biden's proposed $10,000 student loan forgiveness wasn't going far enough. She was in debt $300,000 - as a school teacher! All I could think was, "I'm glad she's not teaching my kids."

But the truth is, we've all done stupid stuff when it comes to money. Ours may not have been so obvious, but we can all do better. What's the dumbest thing you ever spent money on? Or maybe it wasn't something you bought, but something you didn't buy. Or some money you should have saved.

I'm thankful I stumbled across Dave Ramsey's material a couple decades ago which helped us get on a better path.We're not there yet, but by God's grace, we're a lot better than we used to be. (If you aren't familiar with his, check out his radio show/podcast or his book The Total Money Makeover.)

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