Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Rob's Review: Snickerdoodle Pop-Tarts

I'm a sucker for new and different flavors of things I already like, so when I saw that Pop-Tarts was coming out with a Snickerdoodle flavor, I knew I had to give it a shot. I've enjoyed some of their other recent offerings like Lemon Creme Pie, Peach Cobbler, and even Frosted Confetti Cupcake.

For one thing, I love snickerdoodle cookies, especially the ones my Aunt Mary Jo used to make - all soft and chewy! For another thing, I mean, look at the picture on the box (above). They look great! 

If I'm eating a Pop-Tart at home, I like them microwaved for about 15 seconds with a little butter on it, so that's how I made the first ones. Pictured below is how it turned out.

The verdict? Ehh. It was... fine. There was nothing bad or off-putting about it, except they are very fragile and fall apart easily. The filling is goey. It kind of reminded me of my favorite Pop-Tart flavor, frosted brown sugar cinnamon, except without the, you know, frosting. Or the good flavor. I am normally adamant about only eating Pop-Tarts that are frosted, but this looked particularly tasty, so I thought I would make an exception.Turns out my initial instincts were correct.

I haven't tried it unwarmed. I often will take a couple to a cross country meet or something for a quick meal when I know we won't get back to the school until later. Or I'll share with a student - there's invariably one who is "starving" but didn't think to pack anything to eat. I imagine it will be perfectly average. 

Again, nothing bad about them, but I probably wouldn't buy them again as there are much better flavors. 

Overall grade: C

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