Saturday, June 25, 2022

Rob's Recommendations: What About Bob?

A few years ago I used a clip from the movie "What About Bob?" in a sermon illustration. Several from my congregation whom I would have expected to be familiar with this classic comedy were sadly unaware of it's existence. Filled with wonderfully memorable quotes, it's my favorite comedy of all time, with the most genuine, organic, heartfelt laughs of any movie I know.

Sure, there are other great comedies. I absolutely adore "Groundhog Day", "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure", "The Three Amigos", "The Princess Bride", and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". But if I had to pick just one, it's this one. Bill Murray creates a wonderfully quirky character who plays perfectly off of Richard Dreyfus' uptight psychologist, Dr. Leo Marvin. The movie builds and builds into a terrific conclusion. 

If you haven't seen this classic from the early 90s, treat yourself, track down a copy and enjoy!

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