Saturday, March 12, 2022

Who am I and Who do I Want to Be?

Would you consider yourself introspective or not? 

If you stopped to think about that question, the answer is probably yes.

It's interesting how many people seem to neglect thinking about themselves - their character, emotions, attitude, maturity, relational intelligence, temperament, spirituality and so on. Some of it no doubt depends on a person's wiring patterns. But I think often we distract ourselves in order to no think about ourselves. And there are more distractions available to us than ever in history.

When's the last time you spent time in solitude and silence? 

What books are you reading, or podcasts are you listening to, or work are you doing in order to know yourself better?

Without introspection - without know where you are - you'll never know where you want to go because you won't even know where you want to be.

That's one of the things that makes the discipline of weekly corporate worship so valuable. Even if you don't really connect with the music, or speaker, or other people, that hour on Sundays gives you a chance to take your mind off everything else and focus on what God might want to say to you.

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