Wednesday, March 9, 2022

The Journey of 10,000 Steps

It was March 8, 2017 - five years ago yesterday - that I began my first few steps - literally - toward getting healthier, and eventually becoming a runner. 

I was inspired by a student in my youth group to begin walking 10,000 steps a day (he wasn't trying to inspire me, exactly, but that's how it worked out). It's not that 10,000 is a magical number, but that's what my phone set for me for a goal, and it was more than I was doing, which was about 5,000 a day. An extra 5,000 steps took me about an hour of walking on the treadmill, which got tedious. So I started running a little bit of it, and then more, and more... and the rest is history. 

I kept my 10,000 steps per day streak for years. At one point I think I had a three years with only 2 days missed due to extraordinary circumstances. I still target that goal and miss only a few days a year.

There's a lot more to my journey that led to a huge weight loss and general overall healthier life, but that was the genesis of it. 

So, what steps can you begin to take to change your life?

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