Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ukraine and Americans - Opinion and Policy

Yesterday's blog post referenced an article by Salena Zito entitled Ukraine crisis brings out the best in Americans. Her observation is that public support for Ukraine has united people on both sides of the political aisle. That is something I've been observing recently, as well. 

It's been interesting to see how corporations and politicians are beginning to respond to overwhelming public opinion (or conviction...maybe? Sure. We'll go with that.) regarding the Russian invasion by stopping their involvement with Russia. It seems like many could have responded more quickly. Better late than never, I guess. (But as my Aunt MaryJo would always say, better never late!)

Which begs the question, what companies are still doing business with Russia during this crisis? (Other than, you know, the US government, which is still buying oil from them.) From what I understand, as of this date, Coca Cola, McDonalds, and Pepsi are still operating there. I'm sure there are others. Why would we as US consumers support companies that prioritize their profits over doing what it right? Maybe we need to publicize not only those who have stopped supporting Russia and start publicizing those who are. (And while we're at it, maybe the government could, you know, set an example or something!)

Hopefully this post will soon be out of date because Russia withdrew from Ukraine, or  these companies and our government have stopped trading and doing business with Russia. We'll see.

[Update: According to the latest news, Biden just announced a ban on Russian oil imports. Wow, my blog worked fast!]

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