Sunday, December 11, 2022

Rob's Review: Ms. Marvel

I finally got around to watching Ms. Marvel. I had put it off for a while because I had heard some mixed reviews from various sources. So I went in with some low expectations and was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it. 

The casting is great, and the writing is sharp and funny. The plot is interesting enough although a little too much time is spent exploring the main character's culture. At times it felt almost like an infomercial for an idealized Disneyesque Pakastani American family culture. Nevertheless, it was an enjoyable series and at only six episodes the action moved along nicely.

I'm only peripherally familiar with the source material comic books, so I wasn't thrown by the change in origin stories or powers. Instead, I just decided to enjoy it for what it is and that was a good move. It's only six episodes and while it seems to skew toward teens, it's something an adult can easily enjoy as well. 

The one challenge I had with this show was understanding all of the dialogue. Many of the words used were unfamiliar and often spoken so quickly that it was impossible for me to understand without the close captioning enabled, so I ended up with that on the entire series.

Overall, if you're interested in the Marvel Cinematic Universe at all, you should check it out. Even if you're not, you still may enjoy it, as Rosalie did.

My grade: B+

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