Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Missed It by That Much - TV Sitcom Honorable Mentions

Yesterday I shared my Top Ten all-time TV Sitcoms. Feel free to read and comment. Here are some honorable mentions that either almost made the list or are just some other great, eminently rewatchable shows.

The "Close, but No Cigar" awards go to: 

Arrested Development - Which I loved the first time through. I haven't had the opportunity to rewatch this wonderfully quirky series, although I may do so someday, especially if I have someone who wants to watch it with me. The original Fox seasons were epic and awesome. I tried to watch the Netflix seasons but honestly never got through them. Maybe if I rewatch the originals, but I have a feeling it's going to be impossible to recapture the magic of the original.

The Office - I love The Office and the wonderful characters, but the last few seasons were weak. Still, I wouldn't mind rewatching this classic, but there just wasn't enough room for it in the top 10. 

Sports Night - Aaron Sorkin does a sitcom, and it's excellent, especially after the first several episodes where they dropped the laugh track. I've got the DVDs for the series if anyone wants to borrow it.

Other awesome classic shows I'd recommend everyone check out:
  1. Wings 
  2. Laverne and Shirley
  3. The Bob Newhart Show 
  4. The Golden Girls
Have I left out any deserving shows? Let me know in the comments.

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