Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Non-fiction Attention Deficit

I love books. I love to read books - both fiction and non-fiction. I love to listen to audiobooks on long trips. I love to collect books. I have hundreds of books at my house and hundreds more in my study at church.

Where I struggle sometimes is finishing books. Not so much fiction books. I almost never stop reading a fiction book, but I'm kind of ADD when it comes to non-fiction books. I'll get one and start to read it, but then another comes along and I'll start reading that one. I'll go back and forth depending on my mood, but then another book with come along. I end up having dozens of books going at the same time. Some have sat on my read pile for months. (Okay, maybe years.) The books are really good and I do want to read them. I tell myself I'll get back to the book, and occasionally I do, but usually the pile just continues to increase and eventually multiplies.

Maybe it's a factor of my personality or something. I know other people who struggle with the same issue. I keep thinking if I have free time someday (that mythical goal) that I'll finish them and catch up. But then something good comes out on Netflix or Amazon or Paramount+ or... Well, you get the idea.

Sorry, no brilliant insight or suggestions for you today. Just an observation on the nature of reality (my reality, anyhow). If you have any advice... just write it down. I'll get around to reading it eventually. 

[Bonus points for anyone who knows the origin of the picture above.]

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