Monday, May 9, 2022

Too Scary for Kids

I got a chance to see the new Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness movie over the weekend with my younger son, Jonah. I actually enjoyed the movie quite a bit. It took some interesting and unpredictable turns and was a nice addition to the MCU universe (although I thought the final fate of the antagonist was unfortunate... but I don't want to spoil anything, so that's a conversation for another time). 

What dismayed me was the number of younger children whom parents brought to watch the movie. There were kids that looked to be around 4 or 5-years-old there! It is rated PG-13 and while it didn't have any nudity, profanity, or gore, it was very intense and oftentimes dark and quite scary (for a kid, anyway). 

I remember seeing a little bit of an old mummy movie from the 50s or 60s back when I was a little kid and I had nightmares about that. I can't imagine being that age and seeing the much more realistic-looking monsters in this movie. What is wrong with their parents? I'm feel bad for these poor kids because they are going to have nightmares for a long time and I just hope they wake their irresponsible parents up every single time. 

Seriously, parents, look at the rating or read about the movie - or, best of all, watch it yourself first before deciding if your kids is old enough for a movie with that kind of rating. I personally wouldn't take anyone less than 12 to see this one. For adults it's fine, for kids it's just too intense, especially in a theater.

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