Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Doesn't Come Around Often Enough

It's Thanksgiving Day here in the US (for all of my international readers who may not be aware of that.) It's so important to have a day set aside for people to count our blessings and reflect on what makes us thankful. I think we'd all do better if we practiced Thanksgiving more regularly. At least weekly, if not daily (although not with all the food, because we'd all be way too fat and probably not very thankful about that!)

Thanksgiving also helps remind us that we have a Creator/Father/God/Provider to be thankful to! 

One of the nice benefits of Thanksgiving is that it helps put life into perspective. Sure, I'm thankful for a great job and home and stuff (literally, the stuff I have). But if you ask most people what they are thankful for, the first think they will respond with is something like, "I'm thankful for my friends and family." And I would certainly echo that sentiment. I have a tremendous family and wonderful friends and I am so very thankful for them.

Ultimately, it's people that are the most important, not our careers, finances, or acquisitions. Thanksgiving helps us to remember that, and it gives us the opportunity to express that. (As Andy Stanley says, unexpressed gratitude is experienced as ingratitude.)

Now we just need to figure out how to keep being thankful throughout the year. And then keep expressing our gratitude. 

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