Monday, August 22, 2022

Pontooning Thoughts

My dad is visiting for a few weeks and today we got to spend the afternoon with our good friends Bob and Pat Werner, who took us on a pontoon ride around Cross Lake.

Let me just say how lucky we are to have such great friends as Bob and Pat. They are the first people I met when I began to preach at First Presbyterian (long before I became pastor) and they have been some of my biggest supporters. They are so encouraging and so generous and willing to share.

I was also once again amazed at how different the shoreline looks from the water versus the road around the lake. You would almost assume it was a different lake entirely if you didn't know better. The houses that look kind of humble from the side facing away from the lake are often some of the most impressive when viewed from the lake itself.

Which made me think of people. We see one side of people. Sometimes it's not their best side, but if we're able to view them from a different perspective, you may have an entirely different appreciation for them.

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