Tuesday, August 16, 2022

A Mile A Day Is Not Enough

Our first day of Cross Country practice was yesterday and I was running with a seventh grade student (several actually - I can keep up with them!) He had told me how he had been running a mile a day several days a week this summer to prepare. Our first team run was 3.6 miles, and about three-quarters of the way through the run, this student turns to me and says, "A mile a day is not enough."

So many times we will tackle some project or work toward some goal, but we don't put in the time or effort that we really need to achieve our objective. So we console ourselves by saying, "Something is better than nothing."

That's true, as far as it goes. It's a start. And doing something imperfectly is certainly better than doing nothing perfectly.

But if little bits of "something" doesn't get you to your goal, eventually you are going to need to decide if you're serious about achieving the objective or not.

Sometimes a mile a day is not enough.

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