Sunday, August 21, 2022

Here's What I Did This Weekend

So this is how my weekend went!

Our weekend project involved putting in an invisible dog fence. My good friend, Gene Webster, needed to re-install his invisible fence, as well, so we both purchased the materials and rented the trencher thingie we needed. 

About thirty seconds into using it at my house, I ran into the buried fiber cable that Midco laid a couple months ago. Which is weird, because I thought they were supposed to bury stuff 18 inches down or something. They don't even come out and mark your yard for other buried stuff because the dog fence trencher only goes down about three inches. 

Fortunately, Midco was able to send someone out today (Sunday morning) to connect a temporary cable to our house. It turns out you can't splice fiber cable so they are going to have to come out and run a whole new line to the house. Which means the dog fence can't be completed until that happens. At least I don't think we're going to be charged for the repair, which is good because I think we might be able to argue that their cable should have been buried deeper.

I'm not really sure the moral of this story. But I'm just glad we have internet again. And happy for high-speed internet. And happy they were able to do it so quickly. So I guess this is a kudos to Midco, except for the guys who installed the fiber cable to the house.

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