Tuesday, April 26, 2022

The Lost Art of Civil Disagreement

There's a disturbing trend that has been apparent in our culture for some time now. It used to be that people could have an open discussion on opposing points of view and still remain civil, whether the topic was politics, religion, or even which Star Wars movie is the best.

Now it seems like the art of civil discourse is lost. If someone doesn't agree with you, they label you as a hater. If there is really no substance to their argument they will resort to name-calling. Not only that, but they want to censor your speech because not only do they not agree with you, but they don't want anyone else to be exposed to your beliefs or ideas.

My guess is that no matter who you are, when you read those last two paragraphs you probably put yourself in the role of the person being wronged (or it was your political viewpoint or belief system that was being attacked) and the other person or people holding an opposing viewpoint are the offenders. 

But... what if... it's you.

It's worth asking, especially if you are a Christ-follower. 1 Peter 3:15 commands us to "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."

Imagine if all Christians just followed this one command. Maybe the practice would spread. Maybe our faith would, too.

(By the way, it's Episode IV. There's really no argument on that one.)

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