Monday, April 25, 2022

Contacting the Enterprise

I've been a Star Trek fan since I was a young kid. Star Trek premiered a couple of weeks after I was born, so I obviously don't remember watching it during it's original run on NBC, but I caught up in the 70s as it ran regularly in syndication. 

I remember watching all kinds of TV shows, and one day the realization struck me that Star Trek was the one show I watched and enjoyed that didn't feature a kid my age (maybe 6 or 7 at the time). Even then I was aware of the quality of the show which sparked my imagination. As I grew older I began to read many of the novelizations and adaptations and my appreciation for the show continued to grow (as did my collection of books and other memorabilia).

I think my enjoyment of Trek was cemented some time around Christmas when I was around 8 or 9-years-old. I received a walkie-talkie which I immediately began to play with that morning. My dad stood across the room with the other walkie and I keyed mine on saying, "Kirk to Enterprise. Come in, Enterprise."

My walkie screetched to life and a voice came out, "Enterprise, Spock here." And it wasn't my dad!

I dropped the handset onto the couch, afraid perhaps that I had accidentally contacted the real Enterprise and was going to be in trouble for impersonating Kirk (or maybe beamed up!) I knew the Enterprise had traveled into the past before, so maybe... 

For just a moment - a split second - it was all very real to me.

My dad talked to the other person and we came to find out that the next door neighbors had their grandkids visiting for Christmas. One of them also received a Walkie-talkie for Christmas and it happened to be on the same channel as mine and he happened to know the appropriate response to my hail. Coincidence? Or destiny?

Those moments in life of surprise and delight serve to help embed something in your memory and to bond you to those times in your life and those products or services that are able to provide these experiences. The application for business, churches, products, etc. is apparent.

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