Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Mexican Pizza is Coming Back

Mexican Pizza is coming back to Taco Bell next month!

I feel like that's really all I need to say. I could just end the blog post right here. But I will say I am quite excited about this. It's been two years since they took this off the menu and it was one of my favorites. Hopefully they don't mess around with the recipe.

Now if there was just some way to get other discontinued products back on the shelves. There's a lot of things - especially food items - that have been discontinued over the years. Some it would be fun to have for just for the nostalgia (like Crystal Pepsi), but others I used to use regularly. I still miss Coffee-mate Toffee Nut flavored creamer even though it's been several years. And they just stopped making Listerine Cinnamint mouthwash, which bums me out.

What favorite products do you wish they'd bring back?

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