Friday, April 22, 2022

Rob's Recommendations: Travelers

If you have Netflix, you'll know that while they used to be known for high quality programming, they now seem to shoot for quantity over quality a lot of times. It's sort of a "throw it against the wall and see what sticks" approach. That means that the challenge is no longer finding something to watch, but wading through the mediocre to find the movies or series that are actually worth investing your time watching.

If you're in that spot of looking for something new, allow me to recommend Brad Wright's excellent series, Travelers. If you're not familiar with it, I don't want to spoil it because there is so much joy in the discovery of the premise. I will say that it involves some time travel, but it is different than any other time travel you've ever encountered. Think of it as kind of a Quantum Leap (another great show!) but you can only jump back in time and you can never return.

There's so much more to it than that, but again, I don't want to spoil it. It's very grounded and has wonderful writing, characters, and stories. Just trust me. You'll love it. I've seen the first two seasons a couple of times and will likely rewatch the entire series eventually. It's one of my favorites and I bet it'll be one of yours.

My grade: A+

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