Friday, April 8, 2022

Talking About Failure

Nobody looks forward to failure. You don't plan for it and you don't enjoy it when it comes.

But you can learn from it. 

Some companies talk about "celebrating failure." I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not sure celebrating is the right word. But we can accept failure, learn from it, and grow from it. Some of the best learnings and greatest wisdom come from failure. And some of the best people are formed out of it.

I think of King David who had great successes in his life, starting with his battle with Goliath. And he had some incredible failures, and yet he's described as a man after God's own heart. Not because he always did the right thing or never failed, but because he never stopped pursuing the one true God. And God used his failures to help grow David and inspire people ever since.

We like to highlight and talk about our success, but we should be more open about the times we fail, what we learn, and how to keep going.

What have you failed at recently?

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