Sunday, October 9, 2022

Rob's Reviews: Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul

There's not a lot of TV shows that are able to really nail the landing when it comes to a series finale. (I'm looking at you, Lost!) I'm happy to say that Better Call Saul really is the exception here. They had a fabulous run and really wrapped up everything so well, which is difficult for a regular series, but they also had to dovetail their storytelling with Breaking Bad, seeing as how Better Call Saul is a prequel. 

I loved Breaking Bad, but in a lot of ways I love Better Call Saul even more. It has such well-developed characters and it provides a lot of tension knowing where they will end up. Or do we know? So many questions, and if you haven't seen the show, it's almost impossible to explain. I'd say watch Breaking Bad first. If you enjoyed that, you'll love Better Call Saul.

I will say that both deal with adult theme and have a lot of violence and some bad language, so I wouldn't recommend them to young people. But for adults or older teens, these are some of the best-written shows I've ever watched.

My grade to both: A+

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