Thursday, October 6, 2022

Cool Stuff: Sequence

On one of the podcasts I listen to (At the Table with Patrick Lencioni), they used to go around and have the hosts share free "ads" for something they liked, like a local coffee shop or a product of some sort. I always looked forward to seeing what they were going to highlight and perhaps try it myself. 

That's been kind of a background motive for many of my blog posts - to share the love for a product or recipe, TV show or move, or whatever is fun that someone may want to try. So in the spirit of that, I'm going to start a new recurring feature on the blog. I may talk a lot about it, or I might just tell you what it is and suggest you give it a try. I'm probably going to call it "Cool Stuff" unless someone comes up with something better. Feel free to add suggestions in the comments. 

For my first installment, I am going to highlight my favorite board game: "Sequence". I love it because it's easy to learn, but the more you play the better you get at incorporating some strategy. I've played this for hours with youth group students, friends, and family. If you're ever interested in getting together to play Sequence - or hosting a Sequence night! - just let me know.

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