Monday, January 3, 2022

Rob's Recommendation: Daily Devotional

A lot of people at the beginning of a new year work to develop new habits or reestablish good habits that have be neglected. If you are looking to do something in the area of your personal devotional life, I have a great suggestion for a devotional. It's called, Live in Grace, Walk in Love: A 365-Day Journey by Bob Goff. I started it at the end of February this year and it's one of the best I've come across in a long, long time. Mix with some Scripture reading and prayer time and you've got a great recipe for a daily time alone with God. (Or read it at the dinner table with your family!)

Daily readings are only a page long but are filled with good, thought-provoking material that will encourage and challenge you. If you're not familiar with Bob Goff, there are videos of some of his speaking on YouTube. He's a very vivacious, dynamic person, and very, very funny, as well. His other books (Love Does, Everybody Always, Dream Big) are excellent as well. Highly recommended.

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