Saturday, January 8, 2022

Don't Vote!

I was in a fun discussion with a student the other day where I made the point that not everyone should vote unless they are willing to make an informed decision. That afternoon Mike Rowe had a Facebook post where he made the same point - much more articulately than I:

"Why in the world would anyone who believes that elections have serious consequences – as I do - encourage millions of potentially unserious people to cast a ballot? It’s a fact that many people in this country can’t pass a basic citizenship test. Why would I encourage such people to vote? If I believe the consequences of elections are transformational – as I do – why would I encourage anyone to vote if I didn’t know they shared my beliefs about what makes America an exceptional place? " - Mike Rowe Facebook post 1/7/2022

Voter turnout numbers are kind of pointless. Engaged voted turnout is what we should be shooting for.

Of course that applies to more than just voting. What about churches? Sometimes we celebrate raw numbers of attendees. What about attendees who are engaged in the life of the Body of Christ? What metrics are we using? And how do we evaluate those?

It's worth asking the question.

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