Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Second Thoughts

Honesty, I almost want to ignore this because the mainstream media is covering it so much, and so many stores are trying to capitalize on it with sales, but I just can't let a day like this go by un-commented upon. 

There's something in the human brain (well, my brain, anyway) that seeks out patterns and sequences. (Hey, my favorite game is Sequence. I wonder if there's a relationship there?) I'm one of those guys who love to watch for the odometer to hit some sort of sequence or palindrome. So today is a day to recognize and commemorate.

Not sure what I'll do to celebrate today. I set this blog entry to post at 2:22 p.m. I don't write many checks any more, but maybe I'll see if I can find a way to write one today, just so I can write the date! Or I'll set my watch for military time and celebrate at 22:22:22 tonight.

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