Thursday, November 22, 2007

So Much to Be Thankful For

Well, we had a perfectly lovely family Thanksgiving today. It was a real treat to be able to just stay at home and be together as a family rather than traveling and visiting relatives somewhere. Too many times 'relaxing vacation' and 'relatives' just don't mix. Kind of like ketchup and peanut butter - both great on their own - they usually just don't go together all that well. (Of course this doesn't apply to my relatives who read this blog... I'm talking about the other relatives!)

Instead or going somewhere, we stayed home and enjoyed a great meal of turkey, gravy, corn, sweet potatoes (for me), baked potatoes (for the rest), dinner rolls, and sparkling grape juice, followed (much later) by pie - Oreo cream (for the rest) and coconut cream (for me). We then enjoyed watching the Packers win their tenth game this season! 10 and 1 now, they take on the Cowboys who are also 10-1 next Thursday evening. That will be their toughest game yet and I don't know if we'll win it, but even so, to be 10-1 at this point is amazing.

While I'm certainly happy about a Packers' win, I'm deeply thankful for many things so much more significant: a wonderful wife whom I love so much, two great kids who are growing into great young men, a church that I love and that I am excited and privileged to serve, a great community to live in and raise my family, a new house that we will be moving into (someday!), and a fun youth group that accepts and loves one another. And most of all I am thankful for the love of Jesus and the fact that I can walk with God each day and that He loves me no matter what!!!

One final note: We did get some sad news today - Dolores Madison passed away this morning. Pastor Tim has some very poignant comments over on his blog about this and he says it so much better than I could. Please take a moment to read them. Our thoughts and prayers are with Dean and family.