Thursday, November 15, 2007

So Close... But Not Quite

The Star Tribune today ran a much more balanced article about the whole superintendent resignation, school board election issue I mentioned yesterday. I'm thinking, great! That's good journalism - showing both sides of the issue!

And yet... they couldn't resist a little dig at the end. The last paragraph quotes a Lind detractor saying "I wouldn't trade one Tom Westerhaus for 10,000 Chris Lind." They could have closed with this quote from youth pastor Jim Barringer: "Chris is trying to do the right thing. I think his heart is to help, to not give up on this community, to not give up on the students." That would have helped balance out the reporting from yesterday, certainly.

Nothing on KSTP or WCCO this morning. Too bad. I think it definitely says something about where we get our 'news'.