Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Move is Scheduled No Matter What

Here's the latest in the ongoing saga of the Spahr's move (from my latest e-mail to the Journey North Church family):

Thanks again to so many who have been praying for us and those who have expressed interest in helping us move. As you know the closing date keeps moving. Currently we are planning to close on Thursday morning and begin moving at noon. If you’d like to help, come on by at noon or any time after that (hopefully we’ll be all done by supper time and we have people planning food for all the helpers!) We need to be out before the new renters move in where we currently live (they’ll be doing that later Thursday night and on Friday!)

Please pray that the closing takes place by Thursday morning as we have to be out that day (and I know nobody wants to help us move twice!) One way or another we’re moving Thursday afternoon – pray that it’s to the new house.

Thanks for your prayers and support!