Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Moving is Moving

Our moving date is being moved (is that irony or what?) We had hoped to close on the 16th but now our realtor is saying that the loan probably won't be complete by that day. Yikes. We are really bummed.

So now we are going to try and get stuff moved on Tuesday evening, November 20. If you’re in the neighborhood and would like to lend a hand please feel free to stop by. (We’ll have food!!) If you have a van or trailer we could use that would be another helpful bonus. We’re gathering at our current home at 4:00.

On the plus side, it looks like we're going to be okay on boxes. Thanks to all who have been helping!

[Of course if my earlier prediction of dire climatological problems comes to pass we’ll figure something else out. No more moving in rain/sleet/snow/hail/etc. for me!]

UPDATE: According to who we talk to, we may be able to close on the 16th! That means we could move on the 17th. It's a good thing I didn't put the date in the Journey North worship folders for Sunday or anything... um. Oops. Just watch the blog or my Facebook page for the final time one we know it (maybe Monday or Tuesday before we move).