Monday, February 11, 2008

Ignite on Facebook

Ignite Student Ministries at Journey North now has a Facebook page! This will be a great tool to help keep students, parents, and other interested people informed about what is happening with our junior and senior high ministries. We'll post information about upcoming events and students will be able to RSVP immediately. We'll also have pictures, a discussion area, and more.

If you are already on Facebook you'll want to be sure to become a 'fan' of Ignite. If you aren't a member of Facebook this may be a great reason to join. According to Facebook's Terms of Service agreement membership is open to everyone age 13 and older. I have found it to be a very helpful tool in keeping in touch with current students as well as friends and family. It's been fun to reconnect with people that I haven't seen in years.

Some parents may be cautious about allowing their younger students to go on to Facebook. I would be happy to help answer any questions they may have. Just drop me a line and we'll talk.

(Journey North Church also has a Facebook page. Check it out here!)