Saturday, September 22, 2007

Perceptions Are Influenced by Expectations

There's a fascinating article over at about the importance of design and first impressions when trying to reach people. A good reminder for church plants as well as any ministry that wants to reach the unreached. Here's a sample and a good reminder of how 'Christianity' is perceived by non-Christians:
...perceptions are influenced by expectations.

David Kinnaman of The Barna Group conducted a study asking non-Christians ages 16-29, “What is your current perception of Christianity?” (source)

  • 91% said antihomosexual
  • 87% said judgmental
  • 85% said hypocritical
  • 78% said old-fashioned
  • 75% said too involved in politics
  • 72% said out of touch with reality
  • 70% said insensitive to others.

Before a church reaches someone with their website or a postcard or MySpace page, that church is already at a great disadvantage in how it is perceived by young non-Christians. For this reason, churches must do everything they can to make their first impressions great impressions.

I think this perception is more true than any Christ-follower would want to believe, and in ministry perception is reality. Sadly, these results are probably objective reality all too often as well.