Friday, September 21, 2007

Moving in

My new goal is to blog every day if possible and at least every other day. This helps keep people up-to-date both on what's going on in my life (for those friends both near and far who care) and at Journey North Church as I know many use both my and Pastor Tim's blogs as sources for both information and prayer requests. If you don't hear from me for more than one day either that means I'm just a slacker, or I've been swamped with stuff!

That explains a little of why I never got a chance to blog anything yesterday (the swamped excuse this time). We have been busy moving into our new offices this week at 1015 Hillside Ave. Suite 4, right next to the Northwoods Bank. What an awesome space for us! It will give us plenty of room to work, meet together, store stuff, etc.

Of course it's pretty empty right now. Our Facilities Task Force - or a least some of them - will be helping with decorating and general ambiance. We've had enough desks donated that we are good to go there. They came today to turn on our phone (320-629-6111) and we now have internet access, as well. We also signed the lease today for the copier (and got a wonderful deal!) We've still got a lot of stuff to get to be fully functional (chairs, general office furniture, book shelves, etc.) but we're well on our way. What a blessing! It is really going to help facilitate ministry and provide a good HQ until we have a permanent space. (I'd invite you to stop by for a cup of coffee, but we don't have a coffee maker yet. Maybe soon!)

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for us. Keep it up! We are already seeing God work in amazing ways through our church!