Monday, September 3, 2007

The End of Summer, the Beginning of Accelerated Youth Ministry Opportunities

One last day to breathe and relax before school begins tomorrow. As busy as summer can be for a youth pastor with special events, mission trips, student contact work, summer small groups, etc., the school year gets even busier. My Outlook calendar is already full of school events to attend, each color coded depending on who is participating. Between youth group kids and my own two boys - and Journey North events, meetings, etc. - I now have every day scheduled with something except one (September 18 - my good friend Jacob Wielgus' birthday!)

This Thursday alone I have a home cross country meet, freshman football game, and girls' varsity volleyball game on the schedule as well as my son's football practice and a meeting with a friend/accountability partner - all after 4 p.m.! I'll probably make 2 out of the 3 student events -in addition to my son's football practice - skipping the volleyball game this time as there are plenty more coming up. I try to make at least one or two events/games each season (or more) for each student I have participating in an extra-curricular activity. With all but 2 students attending Pine City schools it makes it a bit easier than other ministries when I've had up to 6 schools represented in my youth group!

I love to attend games, not only to see and encourage our students, but also to hang out with parents and meet other students and parents in attendance. Another bonus of school starting is that I get to substitute teach. It's not only fun to do (and helps accelerate our debt snowball for becoming debt free) but most importantly it helps me get to know students, faculty, and staff at the school. It's been great to go to some games already this year and have more students who don't attend our church or youth group that I now know and can call by name! I find that subbing and attending extracurricular events are vital for me in building relationships which are vital to a healthy youth ministry! One of our core beliefs at Journey North is that the local church should be a blessing to the community. That means my ministry is not only to junior and senior high students who attend Journey North but also to the wider student body in the greater Pine City metropolitan area!

Oh, yeah. I'm also busy helping plant a new church and getting ready for our first preview service this Sunday!! Whew! What a ride!