Thursday, September 27, 2007

"Like A Child" podcast recommendation

I’ve been listening to a fantastic podcast today of a recent sermon by Rob Bell titled “Like A Child.” One of his main points is that children have an amazing ability to forgive and forget and then behave like it never happened. Rob says,

“How many of you have noticed the unnerving ability of children to forgive and forget on the spot? Absolutely chilling. Perhaps this is central to life of the Kingdom - the ability to forgive…

“Central to the life of the Kingdom is forgiving people when they wrong us, and when they betray us, and when they spread rumors about us, and when they question our motives and when the hurt us and turn their backs on us and break trust with us. Central to the life of the Kingdom is forgiveness.”

Great stuff and very timely for many of us. It only gets better from there! Highly recommended.