Friday, October 26, 2007

Wow, what a week!

I'm exhausted! It's been an amazing week with tons of stuff happening (more on that later). I've had a least 5 major blog post ideas floating around in my head this week but just haven't had any time to write them up ('bad, bad blogger!')

One of my challenges is that I wait until I think of something that I think is 'blog worthy', but those posts tend to be longer. (Hey, if you're going to do something, do it right!) In the interests of keeping my blog up to date I will try to have several shorter posts. That will also help people find things they want to read about and skip those posts that don't interest them. I find myself that when I'm browsing the blogs I've subscribed to in Google Reader that I am much more likely to read the short posts than the long ones. If they're interesting, I'll save the long ones for later.

Anyway, if you're still reading this, let me recommend a blog for you to check out (see - it pays to stick around for the end!) Seth Godin's blog, creatively titled "Seth's Blog", is a great example of awesomely short posts with plenty of helpful content but brief and readable. If you don't know who Seth is, he's an author and... well, instead of me telling you, check out his blog! The funny thing is that he posted this yesterday on The Secret of Writing to Be Read:
Basically, short, simple sentences not only sell more books, but spread ideas farther and faster.
Good stuff!