Monday, October 8, 2007

Another Awesome Weekend

Wow! Monday are often exhausting and depressing, especially coming after a big weekend of ministry. Not today. I'm exhausted, sure, but excited and energized about the amazing ways God continues to bless the ministry at Journey North!

We started with our second Preview Service(s) yesterday morning. What a joy it is to gather together with these people! We had good friends from Ripon, Wisconsin - the Hansons - visiting us for the weekend. They came to the first service yesterday and commented that they now understood why we were enjoying this ministry so much - there's a relaxed spirit and everyone is having fun worshiping and ministering together! That’s exactly it for me. It’s such a joy to gather together each week!

We had made some changes to the way things were set up at Pine Tech and it worked wonderfully – better than we could have dreamed! Thanks to all who helped make the weekend so great! And especially thanks for the ongoing prayers for our ministry as we seek to reach the great Pine City area and help point people toward Jesus Christ.