Monday, October 8, 2007

Students CONNECT for the first time!

After a few hours Sunday afternoon to recuperate from the great morning worship services we launched our first Connect small groups for students last night. We had a wonderful turnout and a great time sharing and fellowshipping together! Almost every student from Journey North was there, along with our first guest/newcomer! We spent some time sharing and casting the vision for the small group ministry before breaking into smaller cell groups for sharing and prayer. Next week we dive into our new study, Starting, the first six-week session of the Life Together student edition small group curriculum developed by Doug Fields and Brett Eastman.

Students also voted on the final name for Journey North student ministries. We had taken a poll earlier and narrowed it down to four finalists. Last night we settled on the new name: ignite! Now we can work on developing a logo for the ministry. (Anyone out there have some graphics skills and free time to give us a hand? I love to do this sort of thing and have some ideas but not the technical skill or software to pull it off.)