Saturday, June 18, 2022

The Rest of the Story

I often struggle with "resting." I don't know if it's the whole "Protestant Work Ethic," my own dad's example of being a hard worker (and my mom's, and my wife's), or a desire to avoid feeling "lazy," but oftentimes it's hard for me to relax and take a day off. 

The whole idea of Sabbath and margin is one I've often preached about but have trouble really engaging in myself. I have this desire to accomplish something productive all the time. Even when I go for a run, I usually will be listening to podcasts rather than just music or even just being alone with my own thoughts.

What is rest, really? Is it vegging out in front of the TV? That's certainly not productive - unless you're watching something educational, maybe. What about reading a fiction book? Then at least I feel like I'm working my way through my stack of books I want to read.

I think rest isn't so much about the cessation of activity or productivity. It also is about engaging in something renews your soul.

But there is also a definite need to just stop.

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