Sunday, June 5, 2022

Celebrating A Wonderful Dad


I wanted to take this momentous occasion and wish a happy 80th birthday to my amazing dad, Robert W. Spahr! He is an incredible combination high school teacher, storyteller, humorist, builder, mechanic, Coca-Cola memorabilia collector, joke-teller, son, uncle, husband, friend and father (and a lot of other adjectives I'm probably forgetting). Most importantly, he is a man of God who loves Jesus and is a wonderful role-model for me (and many others). I am very proud of him and incredibly fortunate to have him for a dad!

So happy birthday, dad! Enjoy your special day!!

The picture above was taken back in March over spring break at my sister's house with her dog, Hank. (My dad is the one on the right.)

1 comment:

Robert Spahr said...

So proud of my only son who has turned out to be an incredible father, brother,uncle pastor and just an all around good human being (except for the pointed ears we had trimmed at birth)