Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Busy Week Ahead

Lots going on this week (most weeks this summer, actually, which explains the fact that I haven't been posting as often as I'd like... sorry.) I just finished an e-mail to our Ignite students and parents about what's coming up this week. Here are some highlights:

Our weekly youth group will meet Wednesday night (as usual) for a fun time of games, worship, fellowship, food, and learning. We’ve got a great time planned for tomorrow so you won’t want to miss it. Invite your friends! Junior high is at 5:30 for X-Factor and senior high 7 is at 7:00.

Jr Hi small group won’t be meeting this week as almost everyone had schedule conflicts, but we’ll get back together next week on FRIDAY (not Thursday this one time).

Friday we’ll head to Rush City for The Big Bad Musical: A Howling Courtroom Comedy - Come see what happens with fairy tale characters try to "get even" by putting the Big Bad Wolf on TRIAL! Little Red, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and of course the Three Pigs all try to exact revenge on mean ol' Mr. Wolf. Innocent or guilty? --- the audience decides the ending! This hilarious children's musical is clever, fun, and perfect for kids of all ages. Plus it features three of our own Ignite students: Kendra Severson, Sarah Nisley and Courtnie Blazek! All students are admitted FREE and adult admission is only $5. Bring a few bucks and maybe we’ll stop for dessert afterward!

This Sunday afternoon we’re headed over to the Bloomquist home for a cookout picnic and sand volleyball. Bring a snack to share (chips, etc.) and we’ll provide the rest. Let me know if you’re planning to attend so that we can plan for enough food! We'll be done around 8 p.m.

Finally our senior high small group will meet again next Tuesday, 9:30 – 11 a.m., at my house.