Thursday, May 29, 2008

Paintball Challenge

Ignite students are challenging all interested Journey North adults to a day of paintball fun on Saturday, June 28, at Combat Zone in Hinckley. We'll leave from the church office at 8:00 a.m. and return around 4:30 that afternoon.

Cost for the day is $30 ($20 if you have your own equipment). Let us know if you are interested in attending and we will get you additional details. Registration payments can be made to Ignite Student Ministries by Wednesday, June 11, to guarantee your spot. If you are not planning to attend but have equipment we could borrow, please let me know. That will help keep the cost down for some students who might not otherwise be able to go.

All participants must a sign a release of liability waiver before play. Students under 18 must have that form signed by their parents, as well. I have copies or you can print your own by clicking here.

We had planned to attend a guys paintball retreat last month but a number of schedule conflicts kept us from going. In the midst of planning for that, a number of college and career age guys (and some older!) expressed a desire to play, as well. We thought about hold a day just for guys, but several of our Ignite girls wanted to participate, too. (Just so you know, they're tough and will no doubt kick my rear in paintball!) I'm looking forward to a great day of paintball action together. It will be some fun fellowship and group building time as we run, play and tag one another.